What are the 4 Benefits of Engineered Hardwood Flooring?

What are the 4 Benefits of Engineered Hardwood Flooring?

Engineered hardwood flooring gives any home a warm and inviting feel. Hardwood is an evergreen choice among homeowners and interior designers, but technological and manufacturing advances make engineered floors more attractive, durable and affordable. Constructed wood floors are becoming more and more popular with better properties and features.

Reasons to invest in engineered hardwood floors.

Solid wood is a beautiful and classic addition that enhances the property value of any home. If you love the look of hardwood but want something more expensive and easier to care for, plywood is the way to go. Here are solid reasons why Engineered Hardwood Flooring is a great choice for your home and your budget.

1. Temperature and humidity fluctuations don’t affect it.

Compared to solid wood and plywood, Engineered Hardwood does not shrink or expand due to changes in heat or humidity. This makes it less prone to cracking or twisting. This stability lies in its unique structure: a layer of hardwood plywood.

2. There are different colors and finishes

Hardwood floors are usually very expensive, although they are available in various types, designs, and qualities. Designer floors are offered in a wide range of colors, qualities and finishes, but at a more affordable price.

So whether it’s a bright, sturdy, low-budget option or a high-quality vintage look, you can find the floor that suits your needs.

3. Easy to install

Solid wood planks are obtained directly from thicker tree trunks, so their thickness usually varies from 3/4 inch to 7/16 inch. On the other hand, glulam is made by joining several layers of high-density fiberboard and covering it with a hardwood board. It is wider than regular solid wood panels and covers more floor space. This means fewer connections and easier installation. The stapling or nailing method is common for hardwood floors, but you can also glue staples, nails, floors and even laminate planks. Glue or tap variants are especially popular with do-it-yourself floor enthusiasts.

Affordable: Engineered Hardwood Flooring is obviously more expensive than plywood because it is made from 100% wood. 

Designer wood floors allow you to buy any wood look and design at a relatively low price. It also requires less maintenance and upkeep, making it an affordable investment.

4. Easy maintenance

If you are looking for a visually appealing floor and require minimal maintenance, specially designed floors are your best choice.

Hardwood floors are beautiful but tend to lose their lustre. Sanding and finishing are common ways to repair dents, but they are expensive and can contaminate the chemicals used and the risk of inhalation. In contrast, designer floors are often lined with wood veneer or topcoat that only occasionally needs to be mopped or moped.Can be restored: Contrary to popular belief, plywood can be restored, but it depends on the thickness of the top layer of wood, and each time it is sanded, some of that thickness is lost. Hardwood floors can usually be repainted once or twice before starting to consider a replacement.

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